Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cape May

 Shoveling Northern Shovelers.
 A pair (probably mated) of Gadwalls.
 A group of Northern Pintails.
 It's not a very good picture, but I didn't have one of those two-foot long lenses to take a photo of this Cave Swallow.
 Two Brants at Nummy Island, near Avalon. Many Yellow-rumped Warblers and at least 35 Great Egrets were seen also.
 After literally hours of arguing, it was decided that this was an American Golden Plover.
 This Bald Eagle flew right over our heads with a huge fish in it's talons. This was seen at Higbee Beach, along with the ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER!!! Unfortunatley, I do not have pictures of it.
 Two American Wigeons. A Eurasian Wigeon was sighted also, at the lighthouse pond.
 Herring Gulls were the Perigrine Falcon's dinner.
 A Great Cormorant perched on the shipwreck off of Sunset Beach.
Nothing exciting happened today, so I'll just talk about Cape May, New Jersey. Cape May is an awesome place to see shorebirds and pelagic birds in the fall, and migrating warblers in the spring. I went to Cape May for Thanksgiving this year; that trip brought in 21 life-birds! Above is a digiscoped picture (most of these photos were digiscoped on this post) of a Canada x Snow Goose hybrid. This bird was at the CMBO (Cape May Migratory Bird Observatory).

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