Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hey, sorry i haven't posted for a long time, but during that time, the male goldfinches are almost in full breeding plumage!!! even better, on the 18th a YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD flew through my yard!!!!!!!!! I'll try to keep this more updated and I'll upload more pictures...

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Ducky Day...

I had a ducky day at Imperial Grasslands a couple days ago. I managed to spot the Long-tailed Duck, a Canvasback, a few Mallards, some Ring-necked ducks, and a Pied-billed Grebe, which is not a duck, but looks like it. But the highlight was a possible Western Meadowlark, two American Woodcocks, and two Wilson's Snipes!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


On the way home today, I stopped to look at a flock of Starlings at Rees Park to see if there were any blackbirds with them. And sure enough, I spotted two Red-wings, at least FORTY Common Grackles, about twenty starlings, and six male Rusty Blackbirds!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Contradictory Seasons

If it's almost spring, it doesn't seem like there should be an inch of snow on the ground.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Imperial Grasslands

On my trip to Imperial yesterday, a Gadwall was seen at the pond there. Also at Moody Road there was and may still be a Snow Goose and five Hooded Mergansers.

Turkey Vultures, or TUVUs are already coming back! I've already seen ten this year.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Springy Stuff

American Robins are now heading back up north, along with a few geese this morning. I also spotted the Red-winged Blackbird at my feeder today. Yesterday, there was a different blackbird singing with about 10 Common Grackles and 32 robins at Canonsburg Lake. Also at the same area, I saw a pair of hooded Mergansers and two Northern Pintail drakes.

At Lake Joann and Timberlake, a female American Wigeon was sighted in a mud puddel with some Mallards. The highlight was a pair of Common Mergansers and a female Ring-necked Duck.

Happy birding!